Therefore, please attach your RoC CD-Key to your Battle.Net account the same way you did with your TFT CD-Key. Now, since you claim to have successfully upgraded your game to at least v1.28, it means that your CD-Keys are now stored in plain text in the files roc.w3k and tft.w3k. You provide a screenshot of the contents of your RoC CD, which honestly feels a bit strange to me (I do not remember any of the official Blizzard installers to be made that way, but I could be wrong). You say you bought it along with TFT from Toys“R”Us some 10 years ago or so. I understand that you can not find your retail box version of Reign of Chaos (which you refer to as 'region of choas' for some reason). Later on, you seem to have managed to upgrade to v1.28(.?), by using a digital download of the game.

Someone suggested that you create an account on Battle.Net, which you did. You have recently tried to upgrade to v1.27b but failed, because your version of the game is not properly installed. You have been using TFT v1.26a for some time now.

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